Configure your PS3 DEX for PSN and RTE
After the many difficulties of some, I decided to write a tutorial explaining from A to Z to be able to connect to the PSN while being in CFW 4.70 Rebug D-REX, simply by making some adjustments of the CFW and configuring correctly the software Target Manager.
✅A USB key.
RTE configuration
To start, go to the "Settings" tab of the PS3 and then go down on the "Debug Settings".
Then go down one notch, on "NP Enivronment", make sure you have the value "np". This is the default value on the CFW D-REX but still check that it is well.
Then go down a bit until you see the "Release Check Mode" option and select the "Development Mode" option.
Then go down on the option "NP Debug" then activate it by selecting "On"
And finally, go down to the "Network settings for Debug" option and then change to "Single settings".
Now the console is ready to be connected properly on your PC, without lag or others. I also specify that these settings are to be made in any case, and do not influence the connection to the PSN.
PSN configuration
Then, to connect to the PSN, go to the "Games" tab, go to the Rebug Toolbox and launch it.
Then, in the "Selector" tab, on the "System Mode" option, select "REBUG", this will activate the spoof. When these lines are written, we are still in version 4.70, so it is not essential to activate this option, however I advise you to do it if a next update of Sony will be released.
You will then have a message telling you that the console must restart, if it does not do it alone, do it manually.
Once the console restarted, go back to the homebrew and again on the "Selector" tab, you should with this configuration (take into account only the first 3 options, the others are not related to the connection to the PSN). If this is not the case, change the options to have this:
Note: Again, these settings are to be done in any case, whether you use the original cID or not you will have to do this configuration.
Connecting to the PSN with the original cID
Now that the console is correctly configured, stay on the Toolbox then go to the tab on the far right "Utilities" then down all the way down on the option "Change Active PS3ID", and finally select "Use EID5: 85 (CEX ). "
Once finished, the console will confirm that the Target ID change has been successfully applied.
That's it, now you can leave the Rebug Toolbox and connect to the PSN, however be careful to ban your PSN account and console.
Connecting to the PSN with another cID
If your cID is banned, you will have to change it to connect to the PSN.
There is already a tutorial present on the site to change his cID: change his cID . You also have a tutorial to change your cID permanently available here.
Once you have your valid ID, you can connect to the PSN without doing anything else. Indeed you do not need to go to the Rebug Toolbox to change the Target ID via the "Utilities" tab as seen above since there is a good chance that your cID already has the Target 0x85.
These are the two different methods presented in this tutorial. Now that the console is ready to connect to the PSN + configured to RTE, you will have to do one more thing on your PC.
Configure Target Manager on your PC
Last part of this tutorial, show how to properly configure Target Manager to connect your PC to your PS3.
Start by launching the software, you will arrive on an interface like this:
It will be necessary to start by adding your PS3, to do it, click on the little green + in the top left of the window.
A new window will open, in the "Name" field, choose any name, it does not matter too much. Then in "Targret type" select "Debugging Station (DECHA00J / DECHA00A / DECHJ00J / DECHJ00A)" then click on "Next"
Then in the "IP address or hostname" field, put the local IP address of your PS3 (found in the system information of your console in "Settings") and you can leave the default port. Once you have put the IP address you can click "Next".
You will then have a small summary of the configuration you made, you can click on "Finish".
Then you will see your PS3 appear in the list of consoles, at that time make a right click on it then click on "Connect"
Once the PC is connected, you will have a confirmation in the "Status" column or normally it will be written "Connected", you will also have a small green dot next to the name of the console.
That's it, your PC is now connected to your PS3, you can now for example go on the left column and scroll down the different possibilities you have.
As for example the function "File Explorer" which has a little the same function as an FTP connection, you have access to the internal hard disk of the console for example to access data of a game etc.
This tutorial is now complete, you now have a properly configured PS3 DEX for the PSN and the Target Manager software on your PC also correctly configured to be able to do RTE with your console.
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