E3 Slim - MENUSPRX.blogspot.com

E3 Slim

Installing the clip on Slim

Tutorial written for people wishing to install an E3-Flasher on a PS3 Slim. This tutorial is not going to start from scratch, so do not deal with disassembly of the console, the tutorial for that is indicated just below.


  • Insulating Scotch
  • A kit E3-Flasher, available HERE.
  • Having disassembled his PS3 Slim, tutorial HERE.
Warning: This tutorial shows you how to install the E3-Flasher with the clip, read the tutorial carefully before you start it even if theoretically it can not seem too complicated it is not always the case and it is often the trap of a tutorial. And like everywhere else risk 0 does not exist, so be sure that you want to get started. In case of brick of your console I could not be held responsible.

Tracking the NOR

After disassembling your Slim, you have full access to the motherboard. Now it will be necessary to know what to put the clip of the tablecloth E3-Flasher. The answer is simple: on the flash memory of the console, namely the NOR. Physically it's pretty easy to find, it's usually next to the connectors for the hard drive. To be sure that you are on the right component, look at what is written on it, the mark. You will be a NOR of the Samsung brand, one of the brand Spansion or Macronix.
In the worst case, if you have a doubt try to put the clip of the tablecloth, it is only on the NOR that it will put rightly.

Clip mounting

Now that you know what your NOR looks like prepare your E3, specifically the clip. If you have foam at home, cut a small rectangle the size of the clip and put a piece of insulating tape over it.

Now we will have to fix the clip on the famous NOR. To put it, be careful not to press too much on the NOR, you could damage it, but press enough to be sure that the contact is well done. I want to clarify that the clip usually has a specific meaning, then put the tablecloth against the inside of the motherboard to be sure that the clip is in the right direction, once the clip mit, put the foam on then with the insulating scotch put beforehand, stick what protrudes on the motherboard so that the clip is in contact and does not move.

Make sure that the clip is put correctly and plate everywhere on the motherboard, the smallest millimeter badly mit could prevent the contacts from being made.

Once the clip is mit, you can put the E3-Flasher on the connections for the hard drive, then you can attach the other end of the tablecloth on it. To avoid that it is too "free" fix it with a little insulating tape on the motherboard.

Note: Be careful not to wrinkle on the tablecloth, you could have a bad data transmission once all reassembled and have an error during the process of dump.

Now that the E3 is set correctly, put the motherboard aside then take the metal slot of the console or is fixed on the fan, you can see that to the cooling plates for the RSX and CPU that there 4 small black screws, first remove these screws.

Once the 4 screws removed, you will see that the metal caracasse will be detached from the fan, you can then put it aside and keep only the fan.

Once it's done, take your motherboard with the E3 and put it correctly and in the right direction on the fan. Then using the 2 small metal plates, fixed the motherboard to the fan.

Note: I insist on the word "common sense", indeed there is more way to fix the motherboard fan when there is not the metal carcass, to be sure that you have it first put in the right direction, refer to the fan socket on the motherboard, it must find this right next to the son coming from the fan and not the opposite. Once you are sure of that, you can put the metal pads.

Note 2: You will see in the photo below that I put pieces of paper / cardboard between the motherboard and the pads, made the same to 1, avoid contact, otherwise the console will turn on will extinguish immediately and 2 to add a thickness between the motherboard and pads to ensure that the RSX and CPU are well plated, if not, when starting the console the fan will run and the console will turn off.

Once the motherboard is again attached with the fan, do not forget to reconnect it to the motherboard by replacing the plug you removed when removing the console.
Now take your power box and then the console jack and connect it to the box.

Then put it back on the motherboard and also putting the power plug that serves to power the motherboard. 
Note: You do not need to connect the hard drive by any means, to jailbreak the console it is enough that it is on, there is a hard disk or not that does not pose any problems.
Once everything is connected to the motherboard, put the "pannel" of the E3-Flasher with the interrupters on it. You can then connect the power to it and start it. You will see several LEDs illuminated on the front panel, it is that the E3 is correctly connected to the motherboard.
Note: You also do not need to connect your HDMI cable in the sense that you do not need to have an image on your screen either.

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